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When we went on the Field Trip to the Museum of World Treasures.We got to hold dinosaur poop, and a replaca of the t rex claw. He told us a story about a man who triped over the t-rex toe and then discovered the fossils. We all got to go on the trip. If you were gone you didn't get to go. It was real fun, we all had a blast. Also the tour guide asked a german saying and I answered it right. He said, I work in Wichita at the University in german! We also got to watch the tour guide do a replca of the shrunkin head on one of the students. Then we all had lunch at the exploration park and then we got to play when we were done. When we were on our way to the bus to go back to the school some people went on this bridge above a man made river and it had rocks, and sand by the river. It looked cool. When we got back to the school we got to play and read for the rest of the day. Then if your parents were there too, you could go with them or stay with the school group.